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Regular price
$10.00 CAD

2.5% Glycolic Acid Day Cream

2.5% Glycolic Acid Day Cream
Regular price
$10.00 CAD

2.5% Glycolic Acid Day Cream

40 mL | 1.5 Fl. Oz.

Optimal skin rejuvenation and restoration starts with our 2.5% glycolic acid day cream. The first step of the Puriste glycolic acid stepwise system, this daily formulation works to diminish the appearance of wrinkles, restore skin firmness, brighten skin tone, reduce pore size, and stimulate new fresh cells through the power of its key ingredient, unbuffered pharmaceutical-grade glycolic acid. The acid also provides gentle exfoliation which allows for the nourishing, vitamin-rich botanicals found in this product to deeply penetrate the lower layers of fresh skin.

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