Understanding the Skin: What is Your Skin Type?

Dermatologie Rejuvenation Clinic


Skin types refer to pore size, skin thickness and oil production. We all have a skin type that is basically the same throughout our adult years. Puberty, pregnancy, menopause and certain prescription drugs can temporarily affect skin type. Skin types do not fluctuate with the weather or season. They are consistent.


What is Dry Skin?

Dry skin is the fastest aging skin type. All skin types become dehydrated as we start to mature, since our bodies produce less sweat and sebum. However, it is dry skin types that are most affected. Dry skin is virtually poreless to the appearance and generally free of surface shine. Skin often feels dry and tight. The texture of the skin thin and pink in colour. Dry skin types are more likely to be sensitive and are more prone to broken capillaries. 

Dry Skin is:

  • Virtually poreless to the appearance.
  • Free of surface shine.
  • Overall dry and tight. 
  • Thin in texture.
  • Pink in colour.
  • More likely to be sensitive than any other skin type.
  • More prone to broke capillaries.
  • Beautiful to look at...but fastest skin type to age.


What is Normal to Combination Skin?

Normal to combination skin the most common skin type. Combination skin is what dermatologist define as skin with normal or dry areas on most of the face and oily areas concentrated in the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin.) People with combination skin can be heavily pored in the T-zone and acne may occur on occasion. Some areas of the face can feel tight after washing. Normal to combination skin is the easiest skin type to look after.

Normal to Combination Skin is:

  • Heavily pored in the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin.)
  • Shiny in the T-zone.
  • Comfortable after cleansing with water. 
  • Consistent in its colour.
  • The easiest skin type to look after.

What is Oily Skin?

A typical oily skin is usually characterized by visible, dilated pores all over the skin and oiliest in the T-zone area. Face looks skinny, feels greasy and makeup wears off within a few hours of application. Oily skin is sallow in colour, think in texture and prone to pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. Although, oily skin is difficult to look after, it ages at a slower rate than other skin types.

Oily skin is:

  • Characterized by visible dilated pores all over the skin.
  • Excessively shiny.
  • Of thick texture.
  • Sallow in colouring.
  • More prone to blackheads, whiteheads and acne breakouts.
  • Difficult to look after...but the last skin type to age.