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Cellular turnover & moisture balance

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Puriste Enhances

Skin’s natural repair mechanisms

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Puriste Protects

Against irritation, dryness & environmental stress

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Your skin already knows how to thrive—our formulas simply enhance its intelligence.

Your skin already knows how to thrive—our formulas simply enhance its intelligence.

Most Popular Product

8% Glycolic Acid Night Cream
Regular price
$20.00 CAD

8% Glycolic Acid Night Cream

Harness the power of AI-inspired skincare with Puriste’s 8% Glycolic Acid Night Cream, designed to optimize skin renewal while you sleep. This advanced formula accelerates cell turnover, boosts collagen production, and deeply hydrates, working in sync with your skin’s circadian rhythm to maximize overnight recovery.

Smart Skincare, Smarter Packaging

Our products live in sleek, black matte glass—not plastic—because skincare should nourish your skin, not fill up landfills